A Night To Remember

It all started off on Thursday, the day before we left for Dublin. Everyone was getting ready and packed before the long weekend. It was at this time that a few of us, Lindsay, Taylor, Eoin, and I decided it would be a good idea to go out for a few drinks. So mid packing, I got dressed and we headed out to the Local. When we walked in, the atmosphere was pretty relaxed and we found a table in the back. We sat there for a while as I proceeded to try every type of Irish whisky, the top three being Jamison, Paddy, and Powers. We had a great time telling stories, laughing, and trying to master the coaster flip. This is played by placing a coaster half way off the table then you hit it up with the back of your hand and catch it. Yeah it sounds easy, but try it after a couple of rounds, it could keep you busy for hours. After realizing the only thing I packed for Dublin was a tooth brush and some socks, we decided to head back to the Park. When we reached the townhouses it was about 1 AM.

We sat around for a while just chatting when Melissa got a text message from some friends from the Gaeltacht, who were in the bar at the Park Hotel. They wanted us to join for a couple of drinks since we wouldn't be there that weekend. I decided that would be a good idea and that I would pack later. So Melissa and I headed out to find that the Park doors were shut. We stood there for a while trying to figure out if we should find another way in or just forget about it and head back. Then a man popped his head out the door. We told him we were meeting some friends at the bar and after some convincing he deiced to let us in. The place was pretty empty there were only about two other older men at the bar besides our group. We sat down and enjoyed some nice Irish conversation. After a while our Gaultacht friends wanted to order another round and with a little convincing I got one, too. Guinness's all around! The night continued in this matter. At about 2 AM by some new people came in and sat at the back corner of the bar. They order themselves some Guinnesses and started playing some traditional Irish music.
Excited to see such music being played, we decided to move to a table right next to the group. The atmosphere was perfect as we sat cosily next to a fireplace pints in our hands and live music being played. The night couldn't get any better. One of our friends even got up and played the flute along with them. At around 3 AM Melissa and I decided that we should probably make our way back home in order to get a few hours of sleep before the trip to Dublin. As we started to leave we thanked them for their great music. The two women, Claire and Catherin, who played the flute and he man, Killian, who played the bodhran were from Belfast and were traveling through Ireland on holiday. As we talk a little longer they asked me if I would like to learn to play the bodhran, which is a Irish drum. of course I said yes, especially because i think it's one of the coolest instruments. They gave me the counts and as I started beating, the two flute players joined in. It was one of the greatest moments I had on the trip so far. We finally reached the townhouses at about 3:30 AM. We only had 5 hours left to pack and get a few hours of sleep before we would be heading out in the morning. When I finally did lay down in bed I smiled to myself a bit as I thought back on how great the night was.

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